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Welcome to Groveland Lodge #190 F&AM ... There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven't yet met! ... 2B1ASK1 ... Making good men GREAT since 1910 ... ASK and it will be given to you ... SEEK and you will find ... KNOCK and the door shall be opened to you

My Brothers:
Spring has sprung in Florida! Gone (hopefully) are the chilly nights and only warm days. Back are the flying and crawling critters that we have come to love.
One of my favorite things about this spring is just how well our Lodge is progressing after just a short while. While nothing (and no one, especially me) is perfect, we are beginning to gel as a TEAM! W
We are moving quickly forward with our charitable events, our donations, and the continued beautification and fixes within the Lodge. The District Instructor and the PDDGM both expressed how much the Lodge building has changed in a wonderful way. We can thank Brothers for stepping up to the plate and working for the benefit of the Lodge, not their own benefit. The two events that we have facilitated were very well received and everyone had a fantastic time. There are other events ahead and we can be proud to continue to give our Brothers, our Widows, our community, and our District friends great food and great memories.
One of the most fantastic things that has happened this year already is the wildfire of ideas that have come forth regarding raffles and sale items for charity. What started as a few coins has flourished into ornaments, hats, ties, flags, and anything else we can find to keep having to constantly pass the basket and bleed our own members dry.
We all joined Masonry to contribute to the community, but there has to be a limit. We collect donations for dinner to cover our costs and ask that the charity basket be filled after each meeting. For the most part, our Brothers are doing great to help out financially. However, the more we make selling things with Masonic symbols the less we have to collect from each other. Many of the upcoming changes to our Lodge will be partially funded with these items.
Brothers, I am honored and humbled to be a member of such a fine organization. I know that there are bumps in the road ahead and not everyone will be happy with decisions made by the Craft as a whole, but those are the differences that define us as Brothers. The way we settle our differences for the benefit of the Craft is how we will be remembered.
I have asked our Secretary, R:.W:. Tom, to attach the latest year calendar to this Trestle Board. I want the Craft to know what is up ahead for the remainder of the year. There will be no surprises going forward. Please take the time to read it and bring your copy to a meeting if you would like to discuss an upcoming event. Again, not everyone will agree, but threre will be a balance between the Craft and the Officers that have been elected to represent them.
Lastly, I have a completely open door policy with an attentive ear and receptive breast. I encourage everyone to come to me with problems, issues, and positive suggestions for the Craft. I am not alone in leadership and refuse to be. I am but a Brother of this Craft… I just wear a hat.
Respectfully and Fraternally,
Jeffrey R. Snyder, W:.M:.
Proud Member of Groveland 190

//G\\Jeff Snyder